Input from someone versed in SystemVerilog will be very welcome. How do I make Synplify infer embedded RAM/ROM. And I don't know enough of SystemVerilog to make the right choice so I tend to go for 1.b. But unfortunately things may be not so clear cut as some vendor may say it supports 2001, which in theory supports multidimensional arrays, but restrict this to the (basic) memory declaration like: reg mema. where we constrain the output to SystemVerilog if we detect features which are not supported in Verilog 2001. I have no good idea whether forcing people to switch to SytemVerilog, by producing only. Synplify Pro, and Synthesis Constraint Optimization Environment are regis- tered trademarks of Synplicity Inc. In the m1D branch I only test if the target standard is greater then or equal to 'SV2005' to find out whether packed arrays are preferred.

We probably best restrict ourselves to SV2005. All synthesis tools are capable to correctly infer registers for Xilinx FPGAs. To use the HDL Analyst Tool in Synplify Pro, add a Synthesis Tool Profile which points to the synplifypro.exe file in the installation directory. However, the default synthesis tool profile in Libero points to the non-Pro synplify.exe. Synplify PRO Reference Manual Pawel Chodowiec ECE 297 -Reconfig urable Architectures for Computer Security 20 Synthesis After all options and constraints are set simply push the RUN button Results of synthesis are available to view in the form of schematics (RTL and Gate Netlists) and report file.
Synplify pro rom inference for free#
standard attribute in _toVerilog and got overboard with adding versions, I admit, but I already hinted the choices could/should be reduced. Synplify, Synplify Pro, Identify are trademarks of Synopsys Corporation. Actel currently offers Synplify Pro licenses for free with the Libero Gold 1YR License. If you say switches are you referring to command line switches or to the likes of _ toVHLD.std_logic_ports?