Apple mainstage 3 ipad
Apple mainstage 3 ipad

apple mainstage 3 ipad

Pairs of screen control buttons mapped to increase/decrease presets in the Chord Trigger plug-in now remain fully functional after repeated presses.


  • Mapping tab names now immediately update to reflect newly created mappings.
  • Presets now display as expected in the Plug-in Library tab of the Channel Strip Inspector after inserting a software instrument into the channel strip.
  • Text screen controls in the Workspace and the text Inspector editor displays the correct text when stepping through patches.
  • It is now possible to switch to settings from any folder in the Plug-in Library tab.
  • The display of Patch icons is now consistent when the Show Icon setting is toggled.
  • Mappings in the Workspace now remain functional after duplicating a patch.
  • The Workspace no longer unexpectedly changes size when clicking buttons or selecting patches.
  • Sends now show their dB values while they are being adjusted.
  • When selecting multiple channel strips in the mixer and then editing an Expression control maintains relative values on other channel strips.
  • Relative positions of faders are now maintained when a selection of multiple faders is adjusted.
  • apple mainstage 3 ipad apple mainstage 3 ipad

  • Changing the input source for a channel no longer unexpectedly changes the output as well.
  • Audio Units that aren't installed on the current Mac no longer appear as if they're available in the channel strip.
  • Option-clicking a send in a channel strip now sets the level to 0 dB as expected.
  • The Patch List now displays properly when the System Preference Reduce Transparency is enabled.
  • It is now possible to interact with busses using VoiceOver.
  • The MainStage app is hidden and then the Sends 1–6 button is tapped in the Logic Remote mixer.
  • The Select button to choose a destination for sending a MIDI file is clicked.
  • MainStage no longer quits unexpectedly when:.
  • It is now possible to copy the contents of the Patch List and paste it into a text editor.

  • Apple mainstage 3 ipad